Saturday, January 2, 2010

Hedge Fund Intelligence Do You Realize With All This Spending That Obama Is Setting Us Up For A Terrorist Attack Of Another Kind?

Do you realize with all this spending that Obama is setting us up for a terrorist attack of another kind? - hedge fund intelligence

If it was terrorists or states that send U.S. financial markets diving, do not require explosion. Several financial disaster scenarios in the intelligence and financial circles spread.

The first is that a foreign government or terrorist group with significant financial support has several hedge funds abroad. Acting together, they dump the U.S. population, perhaps because short-selling of a major financial index, or through targeted major U.S. companies. The attack begins slowly, increases speed of several hours, because it creates panic and confusion in the marketplace.

The United States is prone to say such attacks today, analysts, because Wall Street is also unstable. For example, after the 2001 attacks, the government has injected money into the banking system to boost the economy. Do not make again be so easy. The government has already spent billions trying to rescue package for banks and short-term loans, saving banks, with mixed results.


Paul Grass said...

Obama aunt Yes, I think what I said in September is probably the best friend of terrorists hell with projects such as the 900 miles of the donation is to fund Hamas

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