Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Nasdaq Symbol List Download Stock Exchange - NYSE/AMEX & NASDAQ?

Stock Exchange - NYSE/AMEX & NASDAQ? - nasdaq symbol list download

Hello, I am a novice in the stock market, and the following questions.
What is the difference between NYSE / AMEX and NASDAQ?
I know, NASDAQ is an automated system so you / buy sell stocks automatically. But what does it mean, listed from the NYSE and Nasdaq, is not what we negotiate the same population, no matter what? If I purchase / sale of shares (eg FBTX - New York Stock Exchange) to the account online brokers say tdameritrade that means I am negotiating with the automated system, if so, is at the NASDAQ? Confusion.

My second question is: I have an answer as to whether the stock NYSE / AMEX and NASDAQ stock based on its symbol,
1,2,3 Letter - NYSE and NASDAQ 4 letter was, however, why the action FBTX NYSE?

Please help. Thank you.


Rabbit said...

The following link is a bit technical, but offers some starting points for reference to other parts of the world, and is entitled: ...

Go to ten bags of the list, and everyone has a story, page (s).

As for the odd symbol, a few companies. NASDAQ is a small representation of society is primarily technical in nature. NYSE expects a certain strength and stability, not the Nasdaq. Sometimes when a company feels it has sufficient "prime time ready to go up. Let us consider the exchange of Major League Baseball. Chicago, Boston and Philadelphia minor league teams, while the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ have the greatest . Anyway, if you were a good baseball player, you'd prefer the Yankees and Mets? FBTX play moved to the Yankees.

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